Taqiya Ehsan
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I am a second-year PhD student in ECE at Rutgers University advised by Jorge Ortiz. My doctoral studies involve advancing multimodal research for smart spaces, utilizing principles of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. The overarching theme of my work is to develop technologies for smart spaces that are socially cognizant and seamlessly integrate with the organic flow of human life. I am committed to contributing to the evolution of AI/ML to sustainably enhance the quality of human existence.

I completed my undergrad in ECE + CS at Rutgers through the Honors College. Prior to that I completed my post-secondary education in Bangladesh, where I was born and brought up.


Machine Causation
Taqiya Ehsan, Jorge Ortiz
[PPT] [Writeup]

Enhanced Visual Awareness for Socially Cognizant Robot
Taqiya Ehsan, Aditya Kesari, Anis Chihoub, Hemali Angne, Jakub Suchojad, Sumanth Tangirala, and Suujay Dhhoka
[Paper] [Presentation]

Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization for Context-Aware Multimodal Ecological Research and Assessment (BBQS-CAMERA)
Taqiya Ehsan, Shuren Xia, Jorge Ortiz
[Abstract] [Presentation]

Cross-Modal Inference of Acceleration Readings from Visual Inputs
Taqiya Ehsan, Navid Salami Pargoo, Jorge Ortiz
[Report] [Poster] [Presentation] [Paper]

ComorbiViz: A Tool for Visualizing Comorbidity Risks and Costs Associated with Obesity
Taqiya Ehsan, Harini Senthilkumar, Abdul Uddin, Sahej Bansal, John Canevari, Shabana Motlani, Sasan Haghani
[Paper] [Poster] [Demo]

Visual Prompting for Depth Estimation
Taqiya Ehsan, Hyojin Bahng, Phillip Isola

Analyzing Social Distancing Based on Sensory Inputs
Tahiya Chowdhury, Ansh Bhatti, Ilan Mendel, Taqiya Ehsan, Wendy Ju, Jorge Ortiz
ACM BuildSys 2021
[Paper] [Presentation] [Poster]


Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Data Structures (CS112), Rutgers University
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Ana Paula Centeno
Fall 2022 to Spring 2023
Student Evaluation

Learning Assistant
Honors College Forum, Rutgers University
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Talia Robbins
Fall 2020 to Spring 2022

I review movies for fun!